The hardworking committee and members of SORRA have had track improvement, facility upgrades and Family Fun firmly on the agenda since the AGM early this year…and those efforts are clearly showing with a host of other behind the scenes improvements on their way.
A unique Working Bee was held over the 3rd weekend of September 2018 where those in attendance were treated to endless wood fired pizza for dinner, a massive bonfire and social get together followed by Family Fun Day in a controlled environment trail bike fun ride the following morning.
Many were in attendance and an enormous amount of work carried out. To mention but a few, the main driveway has been widened and a large amount of waste collected and disposed. Most evident for those that haven’t been there for some time will be the redesigned pit and camping area enabling competitors and their crew to setup for the weekend and be right by their competition vehicles the whole time.
In addition, the club’s storage containers have all been realigned in readiness for an adjoining roof system to allow all weather machine storage and workspace. Many Khanacross cars beyond repair have been removed and recycled, the Georges Camp track has been groomed extensively as well as a multitude of other improvements for the benefit of all members, guests and track hirers.
As far as Working Bees go, this one was a lot of fun and a huge success. Check out the photos, you’ll see for yourself and when another big one comes up, make sure you book out that weekend to come “lend a hand” and have fun camping out with the all the other industrious off road racing families.
Speaking of hard working families, there are many to name, though I won’t for fear of missing someone out, but we are thankful for everyone’s efforts no matter how large or small and I’m sure you’ll all appreciate their determination when you next visit Colo Motorsport Park!
Now make sure your off road race vehicle is ready and you enter the Ray Vesty Challenge this coming 2nd December 2018. It’s a must and don’t forget that you can treat your kids and crew by entering them in the Khanacross being run on Saturday the 1st December 2018.