December 20, 2024
Newsletter December 2024
December 20, 2024
2025 NSWORC Dates - Click here to view online calendar
By Kym Campbell December 20, 2024
2025 Club Membership Applications available now

Events We Run

Colo Motorsport Park is also home to the many forms of motorsport we offer. Our members have the opportunity to compete in Motorkhana, Khanacross, Autocross, and Off Road events all at the one venue. 


A Motorkhana is an 'Auto Test' event and a great low cost form of motor sport, often providing someone with their first taste of motorsport in their standard road car, but also catering to the most skilled and experienced of drivers. 

Motorkhanas provide an excellent opportunity for young drivers to learn car control with the competition designed to test the acceleration, braking and general maneuverability of a vehicle, and also the skill and judgement of the driver.

Our Motorkhanas are held on a gravel surface where drivers compete one at a time following a course marked with witches hats and flags. Hitting flags or going in the wrong direction incurs penalties.

Vehicles usually complete the course in first gear.

Competitors require a minimum Level 2NS Licence and can take part from 12 years of age.

Follow the below links to the Motorsport Australia website to find out more about Auto Test event licencing, rules and regulations:

Auto Test Appendix (

Get your Motorsport Australia Licence


A Khanacross is also an 'Auto Test' event and the next step up from a Motorkhana, and in essence, a longer version of a Motorkhana where higher speeds are reached.

Our Khanacross are also held on a gravel surface following the same principals, course markers and penalties as a Motorkhana.

A Khanacross course is typically more open and free flowing than a Motorkhana course.

Competitors require a Level 2NS Licence and can take part from 12 years of age. Drivers 12 and 13 years of age must be accompanied by an experienced instructor who holds a minimum Level 2S Licence.

Follow the below links to the Motorsport Australia website to find out more about Auto Test event licensing, rules and regulations:

Auto Test Appendix (

Get your Motorsport Australia Licence


An Autocross is a 'speed' event and therefore the next step up from a Khanacross where higher speeds are reached incorporating timed laps around our exciting 800Mtr dirt circuit.

Colo Motorsport Park is one of only three licensed Autocross track in NSW. 

Competitors have up to six (6) laps around the Autocross track (depending on competitor numbers) with two cars are on the track at the same time, spaced 40 plus seconds apart.

Competitors require a Level 2S Licence and can take part from 14 years of age.

Follow the below links to the Motorsport Australia website to find out more about Speed event licencing, rules and regulations:

Motorsport Australia - Speed Regulations

Get your Motorsport Australia Licence

Off Road

Also one of the most unique forms of motorsport in the world, Off-Road Racing is a format of racing where various classes of specially modified vehicles including cars, sxs’s and buggies compete in timed events through off-road environments on defined tracks in desert or bush areas.

Because the nature of off road events emphasises negotiation of difficult terrain, including contrived and natural obstacles and difficulties, the emphasis is on vehicle and driver ability rather than on outright vehicle speed.

Competing vehicles are some of the most impressively engineered in Australian Motor Sport and most incorporate long travel suspension systems and powerful engines to enable them to negotiate the rugged, dusty, sandy and sometimes muddy terrain they encounter as fast as possible.

During scrutineering all competing vehicles must undergo a detailed examination for safety before taking any part in the competition, including any practice or prologue, and no vehicle may compete without the approval of the Chief Scrutineer.

The minimum age for participation in off road events below State Championship is commonly:

Driver 14, Co-driver 14 and Navigator 12.

At State Championship and higher is commonly: Driver 16, Co-driver 16 and Navigator 14 with International events at the discretion of Motorsport Australia.

Follow the below links to the Motorsport Australia website to find out more about Off Road event licencing, rules and regulations:

Off Road Appendix (

Off Road Licence (

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