A great first up event for the Club for 2023, with seven people registering to do the Driver Training.
There was a cross section of all ages doing the training, with some getting acquainted with driving for the first time, some choosing to learn to change gears & drive a manual gearbox car and others getting some seat time in the their new (to them) cars. From all reports, they enjoyed the experience with the trainers & gave praise for their ability to get the information needed across to them, also for the patience shown by the trainers. Most said they would be back for the next one in July.
Next part of the day, after the sausage sizzle for the lunch break, was the Khanacross. The first Club Championship event for 2023 was a great success. Twelve cars fronted for this series of tests, with the fastest male of the day being Marty Del Santo taking out the AWD class and Ruby Martin, the fastest Female of the day taking out her class, the 2WD class. Ruby was also the fastest Junior on the day too. There was close competition between all the classes and in all of those classes, making for a good days racing for all.
Results are attached.
A big thank you to all our Officials, our Timers and everybody that put all that work in to make it happen.
See you at the next event, The NSW Off Road Championship Rnd at Colo Motorsport Park on the 3rd & 4th June.
The next Driver Training and Khanacross event will be the fourth Saturday in July, the 22nd.